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International Alzheimer’s Conference gave a voice to people with dementia

International Alzheimer's Conference gave a voice to people with dementia


The 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference was held at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre last October in cooperation between Alzheimer Europe and the Alzheimer Society of Finland. Inclusivity was carefully considered in the planning of the conference.

”The conference was important for delegates as they got to hear what the new practices in Europe on various topics around dementia are, such as social care, policies and best practices for health care professionals. More importantly, they also got to hear directly from people with dementia about their experiences, needs and challenges”, says Conference Coordinator Gwladys Guillory.

Alzheimer Europe’s goal is to improve the lives of people with dementia. The international organization also aims to change perceptions, combat stigma, raise brain health awareness and support dementia research.

The 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference had a strong focus on people affected by dementia in some way. All staff were trained to encounter a person with dementia. The Alzheimer Socity of Finland provided the course material.

”it is crucial to involve people with dementia in the event planning and as part of the programme. This inclusion means organising the event differently involving the community surrounding the event, adapting the layout and signage, educating staff and reducing costs to make the event accessible”, Gwladys states.

The conference was a great success and won one of the categories of the most respected Finnish event competition "Evento Awards". According to Gwladys, it was the unique involvement of people with dementia that made the difference.

”A great collaboration with the venue is the key to a good event, listening to each other and finding solutions to achieve the best event for the delegates. Keeping an open mind.”

Social sustainability was also visible after the event when leftover food was donated to a Finnish association supporting those without permanent housing.

The 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference took place in Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre 16–18 October 2023. For more information the conference, see:   

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